It was pouring rain this morning. POURING. It rained so hard there was no way I was going to be walking with the chitlin to the bus stop so into our gas guzzling pickup truck we went! Sometime this morning the clouds must have cleared while I was at work, because the sun is shining brightly now. I can feel its warmth through the sliding glass door, as I type this entry and sip on a beverage (hey it IS after noon, ya know!)
I am mustering up the motivation to get off my backside and get out there in that sunshine. There are probably a dozen or two ears of corn to pick, stalks to cut down and feed to the cattle, and a bucket or two of green pole beans hanging out there screaming my name. You can't hear them? Oh. Ok well I'm sure there is some kind of medication I can take for that then!Or maybe I just need another bottle of liquid motivation.
*Kidding* ... or not!
If you didn't notice, this is yet another product-less post, since the format has changed on my beloved Zazzle from somewhat respectable photo and links to IN YOUR FACE SPAM that is way too big, too ugly, and too tacky for this redneck. ... and rednecks oughtta know that it takes alot for a redneck to say anything is too big or too tacky ;p
I am suffering from product link withdrawals already. I'm warning you: next post I'm gonna hafta stick a pic or two in there just to stave off the shakes!