Yuppers! The Redneck Hillbillies now have just a smidgen over a hun' fans out there somewhere.
WOOT! I realize full well that there are thousands... no wait, millions of rednecky folks and backwoods hillbillies out there who could and should become fans of us, but we'll take 'em and keep on keepin' on with spreading the word.
Our youtube channel has been getting alot of new subscribers lately which is nice to see. I think it's due to the popularity of Mr. Redneck Hillbillies custom fat cat motorcycle video. It's almost 10 minutes long, and way too technical for simple folks like myself, but other wrench monkeys seem to like it.
Our redneck merchandise is starting to sell fairly regularly now especially the Tees and small items like bumper stickers, pins and fridge magnets. We've got four nifty magnets coming so we can make our beer fridge real purty with a whole lotta redneck stuck all over it!
On the left side bar somewhere in the middle there are links to our fanpage, redneck store and our youtube channel if you want to go on over there and check them out. ... and you KNOW you really WANT to go check those out, don't you.
Go on... GIT!