Is This Nowhere?...Funny Going Nowhere Design by RedneckHillbillies
Browse other Going nowhere Bumper Stickers
I actually figured I was goin SOMEWHERE, but there may have been a few people who thought otherwise. Luckily for me I married someone headed somewhere other than nowhere, or I'd possibly be stuck en route to this fabled destination with a flat tire and a box of KD.
I've been selling quite a few bumper stickers recently which is out of the ordinary. Usually my main seller is T-shirts. Bumper stickers are quite a bit cheaper which may be a contributing factor, and maybe people are stickin' 'em on Quads and ratrods, or fishing tackleboxes even.
I suppose it could also have something to do with people heading out on roadtrips and wanting to let the other travellers know that they're bonafide Rednecks. This latest bumper sticker ain't really Redneck, per se.... but since alot of us rednecks tend to end up in that general location I figgered it fit just right.