Redneck Hillbilly Search

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Bubba Brain

I puttered away like a madwoman this morning on the computer, whipping my mouse into a frenzy and heating up the harddrive on this old laptop, working on a few new BUBBA designs.

The first - Bubba Tude

 I figure some folks got attitude, others got aptitude - us rednecks? Well.... we got Bubba Tude. Think of it as a backwoods hick attitude or a real strong ability to Bubba...nate. Ok that made no sense but work with me here.

Then I figured I'd try something a little different with the same components

and a third version that works better for the smaller items.

Halfway through working on those, I had THIS stuck in my head. So I slapped it on some hats, aprons, tshirts... you know, the usual!

Chubba Bubba hat
Chubba Bubba by RedneckHillbillies
Shop for a different trucker hat on zazzle

Then  I came up with this schazzy little concoction of chubbas, bubbas, and hubbas for dark shirts with the emphasis on the hubba hubbas ;p

Chubba Bubba shirt
Chubba Bubba by RedneckHillbillies
Shop the t-shirts section of zazzle

Then I had to snap out of Bubba Mode and get crackin' on real life day to day errands.

Got any idears on s'more  Bubba -ish sayins? Drop me a line!