Just because Blue was so prominently featured in a post a couple days ago - I figured I'd better give my other dog some publicity also.
This is my sweet baby, Red.
She's a mixed breed rescue dog that we had flown home to us from Corpus Christie, Texas. (We're in B.C., Canada!) This was our first family dog, and none in our own country would do, apparently. They had named her Red Rona - but on the petfinder listing it was cut off and just showed RED. Over the looooong wait until she could be with us the name kinda stuck. So Red she was, and Red she is.
She's 8 or 9 now, and starting to show her age these days, but she'll always be my baby.
No, I didn't take up painting, or pen and ink sketching or anything of the sort. I still can't draw worth beans.
This is another photo I digitally manipulated to resemble something between a watercolor painting and a charcoal sketch with colored pencils.
What do you think?