It's time to start weaning the calves now so our trips out to the field with steaming buckets of sweet smelling milk are nearly over with. The bottom of the third bag of milk replacer is about a week or so away so we've cut the feedings back to half strength once a day in the evenings. This saves us from the added hassle in the mornings which is always a little rushed to begin with. Although the youngest kidlet helped out without complaining day after day, it's nice not having to worry about missing the bus!
Hank the holstein doesn't need milk any longer anyways, and his head is almost too big to fit in the bucket. The smaller three still rush to the fenceline for their milk, so they might moo a little bit when that routine stops.

I've been videoing the last couple of feeds in hopes of capturing the two biggest boys, Hank and JimBob in their daily after-milk performance. They like to suck eachother's mouths clean, with a whole lotta slurping and sucking noises which some might find amusing. If I manage to get a few good clips I'll be uploading them to Youtube and posting the link in this blog. ;p
Have I mentioned before how much I love living outside the city in the country? This is the good life, even if waking up in the morning on a beautiful day like today is means getting a good whiff of what these four calves leave behind. Hoooo- Eeeee!